Publications 2015

Publications 2015


Favier FB, Britto FA, Freyssenet DG, Bigard XA, Benoit H. (2015). HIF-1-driven skeletal muscle adaptations to chronic hypoxia: molecular insights into muscle physiology. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2015 Dec;72(24): 4681-96.

Pagano AF, Demangel R, Brioche T, Jublanc E, Bertrand-Gaday C, Candau R, Dechesne CA, Dani C, Bonnieu A, Py G, Chopard A. (2015). Muscle Regeneration with Intermuscular Adipose Tissue (IMAT) Accumulation Is Modulated by Mechanical Constraints. PLoS One. 2015 Dec 2;10(12):e0144230.

Sanchez AM, Candau R, Raibon A, Bernardi H. (2015). Autophagy, a highly regulated intracellular system essential to skeletal muscle omeostasis. Role in disease, exercise and altitude exposure. Muscle Cell and Tissue (Ed: Kunihiro Sakuma) ISBN 978-953-2156-5, publié le 2 septembre 2015.

Joassard OR, Bélanger G, Karmouch J, Lunde JA, Shukla AH, Chopard A, Legay C, Jasmin BJ. (2015). HuR Mediates Changes in the Stability of AChR β-Subunit mRNAs after Skeletal Muscle Denervation. J Neurosci. 2015 Aug 5;35(31):10949-62.

Pauly M., Chabi B., Favier FB, Vanterpool F., Matecki S., Fouret G., Bonafos B., Vernus B., Feillet-Coudray C., Coudray C., Bonnieu A., Ramonatxo C. (2015) Combined strategies for maintaining skeletal muscle mass and function in aging: Myostatin inactivation and AICAR-associated oxidative metabolism induction. J Geronto. A Biol Sci Med Sci., 2015 Sep; 70(9): 1077-87.

Garcia-Vallvé S, Guasch L, Tomas-Hernández S, Del Bas JM, Ollendorff V, Arola L, Pujadas G, Mulero Abellan M. (2015). Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and ligand choreography: newcomers take the stage. J Med Chem. 2015 Jul 23; 58(14): 5381-94.

Babbit PC, Bagos PG, Bairoch A, Bateman A, Chatonnet A, Chen MJ, Craik DJ, Finn RD, Gloriam D, Haft DH, Henrissat B, Holliday GL, Isberg V, Kaas Q, Landsman D, Lenfant N, Manning G, Nagano N, , Srinivasan N, O'Donovan C, Pruitt KD, Sowdhamini R, Rawlings ND, Saier MH Jr, Sharman JL, Spedding M, Tsirigos KD, Vastermark A, Vriend G. (2015). Creating a specialist protein resource network: a meeting report for the protein bioinformaticsand community resources retreat. Database, 2015, 1–5.

Agostinho MF., Philippe AG., Marcolino GS., Pereira ER., Busso T., Candau RB., Franchini E. (2015). Training perceived intensity and performance changes quantification in judo. J Strength Cond Res. 2015 Jun; 29(6): 1570-7.

Rastinejad F, Ollendorff V, Polikarpov I. (2015). Response to moras et Al. Trends Biochem Sci. 2015 Jun;40(6):290-2.

Torrent J., Vilchez-Acosta A., Muňoz-Torrero D., Trovaslet M., Nachon F., Chatonnet A., Grznarova K., Acquatella-Tran Van Ba I., Le Goffic R., herzog L., Béringue V., Rezaei H. (2015). Interaction of prion protein with acetylcholinesterase: potential pathobiological implications in prion diseases. Acta neuropathologica Communications 2015 Apr 3; 3(1): 18.

Holliday GL, Bairoch A, Bagos PG, Chatonnet A, Craik DJ, Flinn RD, Henrissat B, Landsman D, Manning G, Nagano N, O'Donovan C, Pruitt KD, Rawlings ND, Saier M, Sowdhamini R, Spedding M, Srinivasan N, Vriend G, Babbitt PC, Bateman A. (2015). Key challenges for the creation and maintenance of specialist protein resources. Proteins 2015 Jun;83(6):1005-1013.

Py G., Ramonatxo C., Sirvent P., Sanchez AM., Philippe AG, Douillard A., Galbès O., Lionne C., Bonnieu A., Chopard A., Cazorla O., Lacampagne A., Candau RB. (2015). Chronic clenbuterol treatment compromises force production without directly altering skeletal muscle contractile machinery. J Physiol. 2015 Apr 15;593(8):2071-84.

Pezzementi L., Geiss C., King W., Lenfant N., Chatonnet A. (2015). Molecular characterization of an acetylcholestinerase from the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevski.Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 2015, 181, 50-58.

Rastinejad F., Ollendorff V., Polikarpov I. (2015). Nuclear receptor full-length architectures: conforming myth and illusion with high resolution. Trends Biochem Sci. 2015 Jan 40(1): 16-24.

Franchini E., Branco BM., Agostinho MF., Calmet M., Candau R. (2015). Influence of linear and undulating strength periodization on physical fitness, physiological and performance responses to stimulated judo matches. J Strength Cond Res. 2015 Feb; 29(2): 358-367.

Philippe AG, Py G, Favier FB, Sanchez AM, Bonnieu A, Busso T, Candau R. (2015). Modeling the responses to resistance training in an animal experiment study.  Biomed Res Int. 2015; 2015:914860.

Arrighi N, Moratal C, Clément N, Giorgetti-Peraldi S, Peraldi P, Loubat A, Kurzenne JY, Dani C, Chopard A, Dechesne CA. (2015). Characterization of adipocytes derived from fibro/adipogenic progenitors resident in human skeletal muscle. Cell Death Dis. 2015 Apr 23;6:e1733.


Feillet-Coudray C, Fouret G, Casas F, Coudray C. (2015). Les cardiolipides, des phospholipides clés pour la fonction mitochondriale. Cahiers Nutrition et Diététique (2015), 50, 331-338.

Durand D., Bayrasi C., Laguerre M., Barouh N., Lecomte J., Durand T., Wrutniak-Cabello C., Cabello G., Villeneuve P. (2015). Regioselective synthesis of diacylglycerol rosmarinates and evaluation of their antioxidant activity in fibroblasts. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2015, 17, 1159-1170.

Pauly M., Chabi B., Favier FB, Vanterpool F., Matecki S., Fouret G., Bonafos B., Vernus B., Feillet-Coudray C., Coudray C., Bonnieu A., Ramonatxo C. (2015) Combined strategies for maintaining skeletal muscle mass and function in aging: Myostatin inactivation and AICAR-associated oxidative metabolism induction. J Geronto. A Biol Sci Med Sci., 2015 Sep; 70(9): 1077-87.

Fouret G, Tolika E, Lecomte J, Bonafos B, Aoun M, Murphy MP, Ferreri C, Chatgilialoglu C, Dubreucq E, Coudray C, Feillet-Coudray C. (2015). The mitochondrial-targeted antioxidant, MitoQ, increases liver mitochondrial cardiolipin content in obesogenic diet-fed rats. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 May 28; 1847(10): 1025-1035.

Chartier A, Klein P, Pierson S, Barbezier N, Gidaro T, Casas F, Carberry S, Dowling P, Maynadier L, Bellec M, Oloko M, Jardel C, Moritz B, Dickson G, Mouly V, Ohlendieck K, Butler-Browne G, Trollet C, Simonelig M. (2015). Mitochondrial dysfunction reveals the role of mRNA poly(A) tail regulation in oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy pathogenesis. PLoS Genet. 2015 Mar 27;11(3):e1005092.

Vidé J, Romain C, Feillet-Coudray C, Bonafos B, Cristol JP, Fouret G, Rouanet JM, Gaillet S. (2015). Assessment of potential toxicological aspects of dietary exposure to silicon-rich spirulina in rats. Food Chem Toxicol. 2015 Jun;80:108-13.